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Greasy Fingers Shiraz Grenache 750ml

A full-bodied bottle of attitude just waiting for you to embrace your every-day takeaway indulgence.

Haha Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

A fresh and delicious wine with blueberry & plum notes, along with floral flavours and a hint of spice.

Hardys Varietal Range Shiraz 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Shiraz is well-rounded Shiraz with flavours of sweet ripe plum and red berries that are complemented by subtle spice on the finish - great with Italian inspired dishes.

Huntaway Reserve Syrah 750ml

Generous yet elegant this wine has an abundance of ripe sweet plums, dark berries with pepper and spice and integrated smooth supple tannins.

Jacob's Creek Classic Shiraz 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Shiraz is a great example of the approachable style of these Classic wines. It has aromas of spicy red berry with subtle mocha and vanilla oak influence. The palate has soft red berry and rich plum with a spicy cedar finish. Great with roast leg of lamb or hard cheeses such as Cheddar.

Jacob's Creek Classic Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Shiraz Cabernet is a classically Australian blend made in a soft, approachable style. Aromas of dark cherry and plum with notes of mocha spice. The palate offers plum and warmed berry flavours and lovely soft tannins. Enjoy with grilled steak, pizza or tomato-based pasta dishes.

Jacob's Creek Double Barrel Shiraz 750ml

The use of aged Scotch whisky barrels in the finishing of this classic Barossa Shiraz has given the wine additional layers of complexity and smoothness, which combine elegantly with the rich varietal plum, fruit cake and chocolate notes.

Killibinbin Sneaky Shiraz 750ml

Take one form and turn it into something greater, something that mesmerise with passionate purpose. The shining Killibinbin is hypnotic and alluring... Thrilling.

Man O' War Dreadnought Syrah 750ml

Dreadnought Syrah is very classical in style, lifted red fruits with a dark edge of graphite and pepper along with savoury stem derived characters make for an intense and interesting aroma profile. The palate is very linear but vibrant carrying good weight and concentration but also a lively streak from the stem inclusion that makes the finish seem fresh and lithe.

McGuigan Private Bin Shiraz 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Shiraz features delightful dark cherry and plum aromas integrated with some smoky vanillin characters and cinnamon from the oak. The wine has a good mouth feel with both cherry and plum flavours with a peppery spice.

McGuigan Single Batch Project Shiraz 750ml


McPherson Wines Don't Tell Gary Shiraz 750ml

In 2014, winemaker Jo Nash discovered an exceptional parcel of Shiraz which was gently crushed and then stored away in some ridiculously expensive French oak barrels to age for 12 months. This wine speaks for itself - minimal intervention, purity of fruit, Shiraz at its' best. This is a special occasion wine. Drink with like-minded wine lovers who enjoy sticking it to the man! Take a moment to admire the gorgeous colour of the wine, then it's a perfect match to charcuterie and cheese, char-grilled steak, or a meat pie.
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